In Summer of 2011, in Santa Fe, there was a summer long, city-wide collaborative project called "Mining the Unconscious" based on the work and Redbook of the renowned psychologist, Carl Jung. Harriette wrote the original proposal for the project, and was the organizing lead for getting the second show off the ground.
And it was really a fabulous show. Belinda was instrumental in organizing and producing the vast array of workshops that happened in Santa Fe during the project. I organized the volunteer activities and information materials we used during art exhibit number 2. This is when we met the fourth member of our group, Betsie, who lives in Jemez Springs. She was the installation expert for our exhibit, based on years of experience at San Francisco Art Museum.
Our friendship, trust and respect for each other's work grew through each project. We want this blog to be about that journey, as well as the individual journeys that brought us to this place in time.
These last four images are of works from the "Mining the Unconscious II" exhibit. Top to bottom: "Pollen Men", Harriette Tsosie, "Sacred Ground", Donna J Caulton, "Memory", Belinda Edwards, "Corazon Salvaje", Betsie Miller-Kusz.
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