Thursday, May 4, 2017

Creation Migration Artists on the Move

Betsie Miller-Kusz has returned to San Francisco to resume restoration work on the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts mural project, La Puerta en el Puente del Tiempo, also known as the Puente Project (see post from spring trip:

Betsie is hard at work on the scaffolding. She is working with a minimal crew and much of the time she works on a section alone. Yes, that's her up top!!

Without a doubt the mural will be stunning when it is completed, hopefully in a few weeks or months time.

Meanwhile, Donna Caulton has gone into Betsie's home stomping grounds, Jemez Springs, NM. She had two pieces selected to be in the Earth Day exhibit, What Goes Round at Jemez Fine Arts Gallery.  What indeed, as every possible iteration of the circle/round was appropriate for this exhibition, as long as some recycled material/materials were used tin the making.Donna's pieces are shown below.
(2 views of assemblage piece, Incubator).

Mitochondrial Matrix, acrylic with collage
We're thinking about "Shields" for our next exhibition. Stay tuned!!